
SEDNA uses HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an issue with the API request, and codes in the 5xx range indicate an issue with SEDNA.

HTTP Status CodeDescription
200 OKThe request completed successfully. There is more information in the response body.
204 No ContentThe request completed successfully. There is no response body.
400 Bad RequestSomething went wrong with the request. There is more detail in the response body.
401 UnauthorizedNo valid API credentials were provided.
403 ForbiddenThe API credentials are not permitted to perform this action.

This is also returned in the case of a downstream permissions issue: for example, if the request tried to subscribe a User to a Job that they cannot access.
404 Not FoundThe requested resource does not exist, or has been deleted.

This error may also indicate that the resource does exist, but the provided API credentials are not permitted to know about it.
405 Method Not AllowedThe API endpoint does not support the requested HTTP method (e.g., the requested endpoint does not support POST requests).
409 ConflictThe request conflicts another request. This is most common in the Job API, because Job names cannot be duplicated.
429 Too Many RequestsToo many API requests over a short period of time. SEDNA allows 100 requests, per second, per API key or IP address.
500 Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong with SEDNA.

The request will not have been handled and will need to be retried at a later time.